Cluj-Napoca city, with its rich historical and cultural heritage, is an intellectual centre with an active society, renowned universities, museums, theatres and eye-catching architecture.
Due to its location on important trade routes which is attracting new businesses and investment, Cluj is an important industrial and commercial centre. With a population of around 500,000 people and 130,000 students, the city has also a major role in education. The personality of the place comes from its multiculturalism and diversity. Cluj is an ideal gateway to northern Transylvania with its cultural heritage well preserved, and the Apuseni Mountains offering extensive limestone formations that give rise to spectacular sceneries.
For more information about Cluj-Napoca see: http://www.cluj4all.com/

Cluj-Napoca - General Information
Size:16.2 sq. miles (42 sq. km)
Elevation:1,181 ft. (360 meters)
Population: 340,000
Inhabited since: 200 BC
First documented: 1177 AD (Clus)
Public Transportation
Several bus (autobuz), tram (tramvai) and trolleybus (troilebuz) routes connect Cluj Napoca's main areas and tourist attractions. The public transportation system runs between 5:00am and 11:15pm.
Tickets must be purchased beforehand and validated in the ticket-stamping machine upon boarding. Tickets are interchangeable for all three forms of transport with the exception of express buses.
Taxi companies
Diesel Rapid - 946
Diesel Taxi - 953
Nova - 949
Pritax - 942
Pro Rapid - 948
Terra & Fan - 944
Atlas - 9
Turist Info
Cluj Tourist Information Centre (Centrul de Informare Turistica)
Address: Blvd. Eroilor 6-8
Telephone: (264) 452.244 or 452.249
Email: info-tourism@primariaclujnapoca.ro
The Tourist Information Centre provides maps, brochures and information on accommodations, restaurants and transportation.
Telephoning Cluj Napoca from Abroad
International Access Code + 40 (country code) + 264 or 364 (area code) + telephone number (six digit number)
Pharmacies & Hospitals
There are several pharmacies (farmacie) open 24 hours a day in the city.
Emergency Clinic Hospital (Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj)
Address: Str. Clinicilor 3-5
Tel: (264) 592.771
Cluj-Napoca - Useful Telephone Numbers | |
Cluj-Napoca Area Code (Prefix Cluj-Napoca) | 264 or 364 |
Ambulance (Ambulanta) | 961 |
Police (Politia) | 955 |
Fire Department (Pompierii) | 981 |
Local & County Archives (Arhivele locale) | (264) 598.979 |
City Hall (Primaria) | (264) 196.030 |
Better Business Bureau | (264) 431.368 |
International calls (Convorbiri internationale) | 971 |