Keynote Speakers
Designing adaptive services: the case of energy efficiency
Barbara Pernici
Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy
phone: + 39 02 23993526 (secr. +39 02 23993623)
fax: +39 02 23993411
Abstract: The advent of Web services, new network technologies, and new devices gives new opportunities and imposes new requirements for the design and the execution of adaptable information system. Processes can be composed using Web services, but their orchestration has to also consider users needs at runtime, where these needs are expressed as context information. Context information is formed by functional and not functional characteristics and Web services must be selected also considering non functional aspects. In this scenario, new approaches and new frameworks have to be studied in order to overcome the limitations of the current standards, such as WSDL and WS-BPEL, which only consider functional aspects of Web services.
Adaptive information systems based on web services allows to select web services based on functional characteristics and QoS, to execute a context aware orchestration of processes composed of Web services.
Considering the ever increasing of information technology usage in our everyday life and the huge concentration of computational resources at remote service centers, energy costs become one of the biggest challenging issues for IT managers. Mechanisms to improve energy efficiency in service centers are divided at different levels which range from single components to the whole facility, considering both equipment and application issues.

Professional outline: Barbara Pernici is a full professor of computer engineering at Politecnico di Milano. Her research interests include information systems modeling and design, service management, workflow management systems, and IS energy efficiency. She is an editor of the ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality and of the International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems. She participated in many European projects, among which GAMES (Green Active management of Energy in IT Service centers), S-Cube, WS-Diamond, WIDE, F3, EQUATOR, and ITHACA. She has served as chair of IFIP Technical Committee 8 (TC8, Information Systems) and of Working Group 8.1 (Information Systems Design) of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). She is one of the co-proposers of the IFIP Special Interest Group on "Services in IT".
Combining human and computational intelligence for collaborative knowledge creation
Elena Simperl
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe
phone: +49 721 608 45778
fax: +49 1520 1600994
Abstract: The Semantic Web is gaining momentum. As of today it has reached an order of magnitude of hundreds of billions of RDF triples, most of which being the result of the increasingly popular Linked Open Data community project, supported by related open access-motivated initiatives such as and its counterparts worldwide, and the solid theoretical and technical foundations of a decade of Semantic Web research and development. Despite these very encouraging statistics, the usage of this wealth of data in high-impact applications and services is currently not more than an exciting prospect. At the same time, it is already clear that the challenges related to purposefully exposing semantic data will require significant shares of human effort, going beyond the enthusiasm of the past couple of years. Motivating people to engage with the Semantic Web is still an art more than a science. In this talk we will look into fundamental design issues of semantic-content authoring technology - and of the applications deploying such technology - in order to find out which incentives speak to people to collaboratively create knowledge, and to determine the ways these incentives can be transferred into technology design. We will present case studies on the topics of enterprise knowledge management, media and entertainment, and IT ecosystems, in which combining human and computational intelligence has led to increased user participation in creating useful semantic descriptions of various types of digital resources - text documents, images, videos and Web services and APIs.

Professional outline: Dr. Elena Simperl works as an assistant professor at the Karlsruhe University of Technology in Germany. She has been active as a Semantic Web researcher for almost a decade, authoring over 75 publications, and serving as chair to several relevant scientific conferences. Elena has been involved in over 15 European and national projects in the field of semantic technologies, including Knowledge Web (EU FP6 NoE), TripCom (EU FP6 STREP), Salero (EU FP6 IP), LarKC (EU FP7 IP),
Active (EU FP7 IP), SOA4All (EU FP7 IP), Service Web 3.0 (EU FP7 SA), INSEMTIVES (EU FP7 STREP), PlanetData (EU FP7 NoE), RENDER (EU FP7 STREP), among which she coordinated or is coordinating TripCom, Service Web 3.0, INSEMTIVES, RENDER and PlanetData.