
Belvedere Hotel

Accommodations are available for all iccp2011 attendees at preferential rates during the conference period.


Hotel Belvedere is located on Calarasilor street, no. 1-3, on Cetatuia hill - downtown.


Hotel Reservations:
Please fill the hotel reservation form: here


Address: Cluj-Napoca, Calarasilor street, no 1.
tel: (+)40 264 432071
fax: (+)40 264 432076


Note: To book a room at the preferential rates, please mention that you are attending iccp2011 Conference.


Other recommended hotels:

City Plaza Hotel**** Address: 9-11 Sindicatelor Street Tel/Fax: +40-264-450101, +40-264-403343

Meteor Hotel *** Address: 29 Eroilor Bd. Tel/Fax: +40-264-591060

Victoria Hotel*** Address: 21 Decembrie 1989 Bd., no. 54-56, Tel/Fax: +40-264-597963, +40-264-597573


Universitas Hotel Address: 7 Pandurilor Street, Tel: + 40 264 429786, fax: + 40 264 429793