ICCP 2021 Workshops

Bosch Students Workshop

Organized by Robert Bosch Romania.


  1. Bianca Veronica Avram: “Comparison of Ego-Motion Based Semantic Freespace Accumulation with Image Domain Freespace Accumulation”
  2. Ada-Ioana Birtocian: “Automatic Parameter Training for Computer Vision Algorithms”
  3. Andrei-Ovidiu Muntean: “Road Area Segmentation and surface estimation based on inverse depth”
  4. George Ciubotariu: “Multi-task perception improvements using variate data sources”
  5. Csanad Sandor: “Neural Network Pruning Based on Filter Importance Values Approximated with Monte Carlo Gradient Estimation”

Semantic and Geometric Visual Perception

Organized by Technical University Cluj-Napoca in the framework of the PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-0180 Integrated Semantic Visual Perception and Control for Autonomous Systems – SEPCA project.


  1. Bianca Cerasela Zelia Blaga: “Large aerial dataset creation using real and synthetic data for forest monitoring”
  2. Vlad Miclea: “Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Aerial Images”
  3. Horatiu Florea: “Overview of Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation”
  4. Selma Evelyn Catalina Deac: “Overview of 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds”

Workshop on Big Data and Machine Learning in CloudUT

Organized by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, in the framework of the CLOUDUT Project, cofunded by the European Fund of Regional Development through the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, contract no. 235/2020.


  1. Victor Bacu: “GPU based machine learning techniques for classifying objects in astronomical images using CloudUT”
  2. Constantin Nandra: “Description and execution of parallel processing on massive data in CloudUT”
  3. Teodor Stefanut, Catalin Petruti: “Resources allocation for Deep Learning and Big Data applications in CloudUT”
  4. Raluca Brehar, Ion Giosan, Cristian Vancea: “Efficient Deep Learning in CloudUT”