Keynote Speakers
Intervehicle communications for higher safety and higher efficiency at intersections
Michel Parent
INRIA, France
Abstract: New technologies in vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) is now being developed for numerous application. One key application is the improvement of safety at intersections. It is in particular the scope of the Intersafe-2 European Project. We can also use V2V and V2I for the improvement of efficiency at intersections if we can reduce the number of stops at intersections through a good cooperation between different flows of vehicles. At the same time we also want to maximize the throughput at the intersections. This problem has been studied for the operation of fully automatic vehicles such as those we find in current PRT, during the European project CyberCars-2 with interesting results.
Professional outline: Michel Parent is currently the program manager at INRIA of the R&D team on advanced road transport (IMARA research group). This group focuses on research and development of information and communication technologies for road transport and in particular on fully automated vehicles (the cybercars).
Before his current position which he holds since 1991, Michel Parent has spent half of his time in research and academia at such places as Stanford University and MIT in the USA and INRIA in France, and the other half in the robotics industry. He is the author of several books on robotics, vision and intelligent vehicles, and numerous publications and patents. He was the coordinator of the European Project CyberCars between 2001 and 2004 and the follow-up project CyberCars2 (2006-2009). He was involved in many other French European projects on ITS.
Michel Parent has an engineering degree from the French Aeronautics School (ENSAE), a Masters degree in Operation Research and a Ph.D. in Computer Science, both from Case Western Reserve University, USA.
ProActive Parallel Suite:
Multi-Cores to Clouds to Autonomicity
Denis Caromel Professor,
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, INRIA, CNRS, IUF
Abstract: ProActive ( is a GRID Java library (Source code under GPL license) for parallel, distributed, and concurrent computing, also featuring mobility and security in a uniform framework. ProActive aimed at simplifying the programming of applications that are distributed on Local Area Network (LAN), on cluster of workstations, or GRIDs, and of course, Clouds.
ProActive promotes a strong NoC approach, Network on Chip, to cope seamlessly with both distributed and shared-memory multi-core machines. A theoretical foundation ensures constant behavior, whatever the environment.
With respect to Software Engineering and Component-Based Developments, we will explain how the Grid Component Model (GCM), a set of ETSI standards, allows to capture parallel behavior at the level of component interfaces (rather than having them buried in the code), and also allows deployment interoperability with many Grids and Clouds infrastructure.
Interactive and graphical GUI and tools will also be presented during the talk, illustrating the components of ProActive Parallel Suite:
- Programming: a set of Java Parallel frameworks
- Optimizing: an Eclipse GUI for Developing, Debugging, Optimizing
- Scheduling: for C, C++, Java, Scripts, Matlab/Scilab tasks Workflows with Resource acquisition and Virtualization.
Overall, this environment leads to Autonomic aspects, dynamically observing the QoS (Quality of Service), and adapting the execution in order to maintain SLA (Service level Agreement).
Professional outline: Denis Caromel is full professor at University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis and CNRS-INRIA. Denis is also co-founder and scientific adviser to ActiveEon, a startup dedicated to providing support for parallel programming. His interests include parallel, concurrent, and distributed object-oriented programming.
Denis Caromel gave many invited talks on Object, Parallel and Distributed Computing around the world, over (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Berkeley, Stanford, ISI, USC, Electrotechnical Laboratory Tsukuba, Sydney, Oracle-BEA EMEA, Digital System Research Center in Palo Alto, NASA Langley, IBM Tom Watson and IBM Zurich, Boston Harvard Medical School, Tsinghua in Beijing). He acted as keynote speaker at several major conferences (including MDM, DAPSYS 2008, CGW'08).
Recently, fall 2008, he gave two important invited talks at Sun Microsystems HPC Consortium (Austin, Tx), and at Devoxx 2008 (the European premier forum for Java technology, gathering about 3500 persons).
INRIA, the French national institute for research in computer science and control, a workforce of 3 800, is dedicated to Information and Communication Science and Technology (ICST).
ActiveEon is a Professional Open Source company, providing support for parallel programming in Java.