You are cordially invited to participate in the ICCP 2011, to be held August 25 - 27, 2011 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
At ICCP 2010 the program committee selected 72 papers from 129 submissions. The papers were indexed into the IEEE Xplore digital library.

Important Dates
- Submission of papers: - May 1, 2011 (Extended - May 26, 2011)
- Notification of acceptance: - June 15, 2011 (Extended - July 1, 2011)
- Camera-ready papers due: - July 5, 2011 (Extended - July 10, 2011)
- Author registration due: - July 5, 2011 (Extended - July 10, 2011)
- ICCP 2011 Conference: - August 25 - 27, 2011
Call for Papers
Technical tracks include, but are not limited to
Intelligent Systems:
Agent-based and Multiagent Systems; Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Engineering; Ontology Modeling and Mediation; Machine Learning; Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications, Web and Knowledge-based Information Systems; Agreement Technologies; Systems and Organization
Computer Vision:
Image Processing Techniques and Methods; Segmentation and Features; Stereovision and 3D Reconstruction; Motion, Optic Flow and Tracking; Statistics and Machine Learning for Vision; Object Recognition; Perception and Representation; Driving Assistance Applications; Vision-based Robotic Applications; Biomedical Image Analysis, Semantic Media Annotation;
Distributed Computing and Networking:
Context Aware; Autonomic Computing; Resource Coordination and Management; Quality of Service; Queuing Network Models; Pervasive Computing; Grid Computing; Fault Tolerance
Special Sessions
- Large Scale Reasoning on Web Data: organized in cooperation with the LarKC EU FP7 project.
- Text and Media Semantic Annotation: organized in cooperation with the INSEMTIVES EU FP7 project.
- Green Computing: organized in cooperation with GAMES EU FP7 project.
- Semantic technologies in signal processing: organized in cooperation with PlanetData EU FP7 project and the Slovenian-Romanian 404/2010 bilateral project.
- HiPerGRID: organized in cooperation with "Politehnica" University of Bucharest.